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What StayLance
Means To Us


Simone has had countless work exchange experiences, & could not help but want to share such an “enriching & enjoyable” experience with others.

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Become a HostLancer

Join our global exchange community and offer a home away from home as a HostLancer to skilled and talented travelers who wish to share their professional expertise.

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Become a StayLancer

Join our global exchange community and travel the world as as a StayLancer, sharing your skills and talents for home away from home.

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Our Ideal StayLancer Experience
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Our Ideal HostLancer Experience

What HostLancers & StayLancers Would Like To Get Out of StayLance

I`ve been living alone for a couple of years now, since my boy is grown up now and moved out. I`m hoping StayLance will keep my house full of wonderful people and we can share things together. I am a big fan of flowers!. I have been vegan for two years now and just really love all things food. Trying new restaurants, recipes, I would love to meet people who are also interested in cooking delicious vegan food and are up for experimenting in the kitchen. I know the situation in Russia is not the best at the moment but believe me, we are looking forward to keep the bond to out western friends.




My family and I have had a lot of people come to stay over the years, and we have grown to love the experience of meeting new people and learning from them. It brings the world into our home and we`re hoping StayLance will help us continue to do that, whilst also getting some help with different bits around the house.




I grew up going to international schools and travelling a lot for my parent`s work. Hence, I am now fluent in German, Spanish and Mandarin. I love exploring new places and meeting people from different cultures.




I have been working as a chef for a couple of years now and am feeling ready for a change. I want to use StayLance to travel the world, sharing my love for food and showing people all my cooking secrets. Since the last years I have changed my traditional cooking into a "healthy" cooking and have discovered some great recipes. I am ready to live the Staylance live!




For the last 10 years I have been working an intense job at a tech company. I finally decided to quit my job and use my skills to travel the world. I am experienced in excel, coding and web design and am always happy to help out and work on new projects. I would love to help you with improving your business or even to look after your kids and I love kids.




I`ve just graduated from my masters in digital marketing but I`m not quite ready to hit the 9-5 life. Instead, I`m hoping StayLance will allow me to use my skills to see as many countries as I can. I also enjoy playing guitar and singing with my friends. We like to have jam sessions and try out new songs. When I travel, I love bringing my guitar with me and playing with new people and trying different styles of music from around the world.



